Radio report about the revamping of Paris « la place de la Bastille » on the online radio Monocle by Clare Sharkey.
The sound recording comes from the diagnostic, analyse and propositions that have been made by Thinkphonic on october 2014.

Reportage radio à propos du réaménagement de la place de la Bastille sur la radio online Monocle par Clare Sharkey.
Les prises de son sont tirées du travail de diagnostic, d’analyse et de propositions qui a été mené par Thinkphonic en octobre 2014.

Paris is currently in the process of revamping seven of its major town squares and one of the most complex projects is the Place de la Bastille. But apart from the name there’s no sign of the site’s heritage. We look at some of the previous planning decisions and ponder what could be the future for la Bastille.

Source: Paris: redesigning Place de la Bastille – The Urbanist 205 – Radio | Monocle